What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) In Commercial Facilities? Identifying Indoor Air Pollutants Can Help You Find the Perfect Solution

It is common knowledge that air pollution has disastrous effects on human health as well as on the environment. But what you might not know is that indoor air can be as much as 50 times more polluted than outdoor air. This is because enclosed indoor spaces allow the buildup of pollutants in a concentrated … Read more

The Most Common Diseases and Health Conditions Caused by Air Pollution And What We Can Do About It

Air pollution is a serious threat to public health, but not only because of its impact on the environment in which we live. When you breathe heavily polluted air, you might notice the immediate effects: watering or burning eyes, an itchy nose and throat, coughing and sneezing, maybe even dizziness or migraine symptoms. However, the … Read more

Indoor Air Quality In Canadian Schools — What Should We Be Doing to Protect Our Childrens’ Lungs?

Adequate ventilation and air filtration has been an instrumental part of public efforts to reduce COVID-19 infection rates. However, improving air quality is essential for improving overall public health, even in the presence of dangerous viral or other pathogens. As some jurisdictions consider reopening schools for young children and adolescents to attend in person, students … Read more

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