What are the benefits of retrofitting your commercial HVAC system?

HVAC systems are essential for bringing conditioned outside air into a building and recirculating air for its occupants. Commercial HVAC systems can filter out contaminants like allergens and airborne viruses, as well as harmful PM2.5 and PM1 particles. Additionally, they remove particles that could potentially damage air handling units. However, not all air filtration systems … Read more

How can an air filtration and IAQ site survey benefit you?

Not all air filters are created equal, and the cost to operate a filter is far more significant than simply buying one. By getting an indoor air quality (IAQ) and air filtration site survey, you can determine what your current filtration system is costing you versus other options, and your organization can potentially save energy and money and have cleaner indoor air. Another benefit of a site survey is determining the efficiency of your current air filters compared to other options. In this article, we will explain the benefits of conducting a site survey.

How to choose an industrial or commercial air cleaner

Choosing the right commercial or industrial-grade air cleaner can be a challenging endeavour. There are many things to consider, such as the size of your room or building, the type of pollutants you want to remove, air filter efficiency, the noise level of the air cleaner, how much energy the filtration system will consume, and … Read more

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