How to choose the right type of molecular air filtration

Molecular filtration is being used more than ever in Canada to remove volatile organic compounds, highly toxic gases, and odorous contaminants. It can protect people and equipment in buildings or be used for corrosion control. This article will discuss different types of molecular filters and their various applications. We will also discuss choosing the right … Read more

HEPA air filters in Canada- What does your industry need?

There are a few different types of HEPA filters available in Canada today that vary in design, depending on the use. HEPA filters are essential when getting the absolute cleanest air is the primary goal. They effectively remove the smallest particles and pollutants, such as PM2.5, PM1, and airbourne viruses. HEPA filters have a wide … Read more

An Expert’s Guide to Air Filter Changeouts

The seasonal changeout of air filters in HVAC systems for public and private buildings is an essential maintenance task, especially when there are significant changes in environmental conditions, such as going from cool to warm or warm to cool weather. Another consideration for seasonal changeouts is changing humidity levels. Properly maintaining air filters ensures better … Read more

Eager to Go On Vacation? Air Quality, Health Considerations For Your Hotel Stay

How Canadians can safely stay in hotels

Health and Safety Risks Associated with Poor Indoor Air Quality and Inadequate air filtration in Hotels Canadians are traveling more than ever these days due to the fact that in recent times travel was restricted and less accessible. If outstanding hotel cleanliness was a selling point for guests before, it most definitely is more so … Read more

The Best Air Filters in Alberta

Air quality concerns in Alberta Alberta faces air quality issues due to industrial production, vehicle traffic, oil and gas extraction, and wildfires. These pollutants release harmful pollutants, causing respiratory problems and health issues. The Province of Alberta aims to reduce carbon emissions in all industries. What are the best air filters available in Alberta? We … Read more

The best energy saving air filters in British Columbia

Air quality in British Columbia is a major concern due to the prevalence of industrial pollution and traffic pollution from tailpipe emissions, as well as B.C. wildfires during warmer weather.  Harmful pollutants are released into the air, such as particulate matter PM2.5 and PM1, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxide. These pollutants can cause respiratory problems … Read more

Canada Air Filtration Advisory: How Can Canadians Protect Their Lungs As Wildfire Smoke Spreads? Updated May 27, 2024

Summary:  In this blog post, Camfil Canada expert Berni Baier discusses wildfires in Alberta, British Columbia, Quebec, Ontario, and elsewhere and the effects of wildfire smoke across Canada. The article explains how we can use air filters to reduce the impact on our health. While wildfires are typical in Canada during summer months, there has been a … Read more

Achieve better indoor air quality with a Chief Airgonomics Officer (CAO)

Who cares about air? Updated Sept 7, 2023 —Is anyone responsible for making sure the air you breathe inside your office, your workplace, the hospital or medical clinic that you go to, a recreational building you visit, or your residential building is clean and healthy? Should there be? We know the importance of clean outdoor … Read more

How to Achieve Sustainability with Air Filters- Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Updated August 3, 2023 – These days you often hear the word sustainability in newscasts, around the web, or in corporate emails. It is a term that’s becoming more and more important as the environment takes centre stage, with talk in Canada and around the world about becoming more sustainable and environmentally friendly. We have … Read more

MERV Air Filter Testing in Canada

By Phillip Ilijevski and Joe Brennan  MERV Air filter testing may not be top of mind for most people, but air filtration plays a major impact in building livability, comfort, and quality of life for occupants and visitors. Most people are likely not aware of the impact that the wrong filter can have on indoor … Read more

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