Guidelines for Air Filtration for Canadian Property Managers & Facilities Managers

2 women and 2 men look over a table in a business meeting and go over some documents. Natural light enters through the windows behind them

-Updated June 17, 2024- Many different associations in Canada operate to audit and certify buildings for various purposes. One of those purposes is ensuring good indoor air quality for buildings, and this of course is part of the work of a property manager or facilities manager. In this article, Guidelines for Air Filtration for Canadian … Read more

How to choose an industrial or commercial air cleaner

Choosing the right commercial or industrial-grade air cleaner can be a challenging endeavour. There are many things to consider, such as the size of your room or building, the type of pollutants you want to remove, air filter efficiency, the noise level of the air cleaner, how much energy the filtration system will consume, and … Read more

How to choose the right type of molecular air filtration

Molecular filtration is being used more than ever in Canada to remove volatile organic compounds, highly toxic gases, and odorous contaminants. It can protect people and equipment in buildings or be used for corrosion control. This article will discuss different types of molecular filters and their various applications. We will also discuss choosing the right … Read more


Did you know that the air inside your building or workplace could be filled with harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs)? These compounds are commonly found in industrial and commercial environments like factories, office buildings, and businesses. The gases can come from common items like paints, solvents, building materials, cleaning products, and many other sources and … Read more

Improving indoor air quality of public buildings in Canada

The Canadian Government tells us that Canadians spend 90% of their time indoors, which should mean improving indoor air quality of public buildings is important. Unfortunately, poor indoor air quality is a common problem in government workplaces and public buildings. Public buildings include; recreational facilities such as hockey rinks, schools, libraries, government offices, etc. These … Read more

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